And now for the moment I've been waiting for all day - a long enough stretch of free time to be able to try and do justice to the very kind comments you guys have left me. dance In a way, I envy you not knowing the episode - that way it's all new to you. <g> For me, it was very fun getting to see it through your eyes, with not knowing that Supes had lost his powers to Lois, etc. Thank you so much for taking me along for the experience. I was hoping that part of the fun for the reader was knowing the truth all along and trying to guess when the other shoe is going to drop for Lois.

cookiesmom - Thank you! I'm hoping to post the parts every few days.

Terry - Woot! You always leave such thoughtful fdk, it makes me grin as soon as I see your name pop up. I'm delighted you like the first person POV. I used it for exactly the reasons you pointed out - there's an immediacy that you can't get any other way. For something like this, where Lois suddenly has Superman's powers, it seemed like it would be wasted if we couldn't be there with her as she tries to figure them out. I'm so glad it's working for you. Thank you for the encouragement!

Artemis - Thank you - I will be posting more soon. The second part is up and the third will go up Wednesday.

DW - I'm glad you're awaiting the next part. Thank you!

Déjà vu - Great minds, I guess. <g> I agree, it would be nice to see more Lois with powers stories. Thanks!

Vicki - Oh, I definitely know how much you like this story. I will never delete the long and lovely email you sent me. sloppy The changes to part one were just tweaks. I took out a couple of things in part two and added a few small paragraphs. Part three, though, I totally rewrote. You alone will know the difference. wink

Thanks again to everyone who has commented. You guys, as always, rock my world!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis