"Cut it out," I tell him. "I'm still me. Don't treat me any differently just because I could squish your head the next time you irritate me."
Tee-hee! and LOL!

"Do you have any idea how useful this is going to be? I can see through walls and hear conversations now. People will start calling me 'super-journalist'."

Superman looks like he's fighting a smile as he answers. "Yes, it's very useful."
When is Lois going to figure it out? She'll probably be mad that Clark was "cheating" all those years.

"Right? Set what right? Did you miss the part where I said that I enjoy having these powers?"
That's great! In the show, she was all nervous about it. Here, it's "Hey! I've got powers!"

It's the oddest sensation, being surrounded by the noise and din of humanity and yet feeling completely isolated.
A poignant reminder of what Clark goes through every day.

"You went to high school?" My eyes are wide open now. "Here? On Earth, I mean?"

For a second his expression looks horrified and I wonder if he's regretting his decision to tell me this story.
With this clue, it won't be long before Lois figures it out. She probably would have it figured out by now anyway if she weren't so distracted.

I fly - FLY! - in the direction of the one person with whom I simply have to share this.

Eagerly awaiting more!