Thanks to all the gentle readers who indulged me with this little effort. As I mentioned this was written purely on a whim. I wanted to show a Lois who didn't feel the need to 'put down' Clark in order to protect own insecurities. She is able to accept Clark at face value and his friendly compassion and being just a darn nice guy easily wins Lois over.

It doesn't hurt that there is that 'connection' the two have always felt for each other.

Now I need to ask all the gentle writers who are currently posting stories to make sure they get all their parts posted by Monday, so I can have them read by Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon I'm leaving for Chicago and will be gone through Sunday evening.

I'll be attending the Diamond Comic Distributors conference on Wednesday and Thursday, then Friday through Sunday I'll be at the big C2E2 (Chicago Comic Entertaiment Expo, or something like that) comic book convention, at McCormick Place.

These are the folks who put on the big show in New York. This is there first show in Chicago and they are going all out. It should be fun.

Thanks again for the kind words.

Tank (who promises to really try to get a Lois haircut in his next effort)