See, kiddies, this is what can happen when you have sex before you get married.

Seriously, this is a bad situation all around, and I don't see a clean resolution coming anywhere. If Lana aborts the baby, both she and Lois will be blamed by the public for killing Superman's child. And Clark will get some blame, too, both for putting the two women in this situation and for "allowing" Lana to abort the child. If Lana carries the baby to term, who will raise him or her? Will Lana give up the rest of her life (and that's what it would be) to raise the child of a man who doesn't love her and would be, at best, an absentee father? And could Clark's relationship with Lois survive such a strain, assuming that Lois would be willing to start up with him again? Might Lana give up full custody to Clark? If so, what would that mean for Lois?

I'm confident that Lana would never lack for material things for the rest of her life - Clark will see that she's physically taken care of. Of course, that means that any romantic relationship she pursues would have that added pressure of having Superman hovering over her and her beau at any and all times, if only to "check on the baby." And I can't imagine that Lois would appreciate Lana's continuing presence in her life, should she resume her relationship with Clark.

Of course, all bets are off if Lois is pregnant. Remember, Clark's little swimmers are Kryptonian, not human, and therefore far less susceptible to human contraceptives. I'm not sure that anything short of a lead condom would be very effective.

I'm a little puzzled as to why Clark didn't detect Lucy with her phone camera. I guess he was just besotted with Lois. And maybe having those pics will be a good thing for Lois, because she can look at them and see how loving and open Clark has already been with her. Maybe they'll be a catalyst to bring them back together.

However this goes, it's one of the most impressive obstacles to a Lois/Clark romance I've ever seen. I'm very interested to find out how you'll resolve this one.

Ready for the next installment!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing