Absolutely delightful, CC. You've managed to floor me again, with this conclusion to your latest story, and its result never ceases to amaze me at how fantastic of a writer you are. The scene between Lois and AltClark was fantastic.

“And if I stayed? If maybe… she went… to balance the cosmic scales… or whatever?”

I can't wait to read your next fanfiction, and I hope it will be -- well I know it will be, so I'm not worried at all laugh -- as amazing and poignant as all the others you've written.

-Jo huh

P.S. As soon as I saw the first three parts on the boards, the day I was leaving to go to my family's place for Thanksgiving, I knew I had to print it, and catch up on the way there so that I could give you feedback upon my arrival. blush

P.P.S. Do you have a website with your fanfiction on it? I'd really like to read them all, as I'm sure that I'm missing out on several incredible fanfics.