Okay, this is evil, but then we all know that Wendy is evil.

Truthfully I have to admit that two solutions immediately presented themselves to me when I finished reading the story. I just have to figure out which way I want to go.

Also, the gentle readers are going to have to be a little patient with me on this one. I have not fully recovered from my pinched nerve problem, nor am I likely to in the near future. I have a degenerate condition that involves moderate narrowing in four pathways in my neck and shoulders. As of yet the nerve hasn't calmed down enough to allow full freedom from pain in my left shoulder and arm. I tend to have the most problems when sitting down.

Having dealt with arthritis for nearly thirty years I can deal with pain in small doses, which allows me to still play on these boards. Unfortunately it's going to take me longer than normal to write a full story part as I'll have to do it in small bites over time. Or... maybe I'll figure out a way to type standing up.

I will answer this challenge, it just might take a bit longer than normal.

Tank (who thinks the most evil part of this challenge is that there is no long-haired Lois who needs a haircut wink )