if that's for reading during a snowstorm it'll be the shortest-lasting blizzard I've ever heard of!
Or I assume you are all really, really slow readers. laugh

And it's a good thing that the Olympics are coming up, so we can see the world-class curlers do their thing.
I think they should cancell all the other sports and just have the curling. Now that would be a good olympics. After all, who wants to watch people with boards attached to their feet jump off cliffs when they can watch people puzzle their way through a curling game? laugh

It's a sport based on BROOMS and SWEEPING, people! It's a con to brainwash us into thinking housework is... fun! And they even made it an Olympic sport. Beware! Who knows what THEY will do next.
Well, I still maintain that you missed an excellent curling game last night, Carol. But you still have a chance to make it up to yourself. Turn on TSN today at 3:00 and you can catch Ontario play Manitoba in a tie breaker. And, I'll have you know, the Ontario team this year is from Thunder Bay - plays at the same curling club that I played at in University. (Hey, what can I say? I'm a Canadian.)

People get that excited over *curling*????
Actually, the things being yelled are instructions to the sweepers. Hard is telling the sweepers to brush harder. So is hurry. Not yet, means, as you might guess, don't sweep yet.

And actually, curling is the one civilized sport in the world. No one ever boos a shot. They clap for the good shots - even if they are made by the other team. And at the end of the game, everyone shakes hands and says: good game or thanks for the game. It's considered very bad form not to do so. (Unlike Canada's other sport, hockey, where people seem to keep trying to kill each other.)

BTW, "hammer" threw me in the title since they use "brooms!"
A hammer in curling is the term used for last shot. But I wanted a title that was about curling without making it obvious until you'd read the story what it was about.

"Leave it to a Canadian..."
I can do hockey stories, too. laugh

ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane