
A waffy scene can only hook a reader if it encompasses all the basic elements of a thoughtful piece of fluff:
1)Grin-enducing dialogue
2)Sweet, descriptive gestures
3)Two, or more characters we know and love
4)A writer with a unique perspective on things. and lastly...
5)A demonstration of affection that leaves no doubt to the characters' intentions.

You, naturally, have embodied every bit of these guidelines with this latest vignette, and it is with no negative comments, or concerns that I praise you for your accomplishment. Lois and Clark are unique to write for, as they have very static personalities a lot of the time. Lois, we know, is full of ranting-energy, but also is capable of vulnerability when it suits one. Clark is... well, Clark. 'nough said. And while you have certainly presented them in their recognizable identities, you have shown us the intimacy carried between the two in a simplistic, yet beautiful fashion. I'm probably babbling on by now, but I hope what I've written comes out saying what I wish it to, and that I haven't worded anything to suggest that I think you any less than an amazing writer.

Reader's digest version of the above:
This story is fantastic! blush
