Ha! First!

OK, I'll probably do this better tomorrow after I've had a little sleep, but my first impression is that Ching and Nor are tossing the 'sample' into the first bin they can find. Neither of them want Kal and ZaRa to have an heir - Ching because of his jealousy for ZaRa and Nor because of his power-hungry scheme to take over the world.

Lois is already suspicious of Nor (Yay!), so it shouldn't take long for her to figure out the lack of an heir is not due to Kal's "bad seed".

It was a sad scene. We knew it was coming, but it was still difficult to read. Kal asked seven times, when he probably hasn't even needed to ask for anything more than once his whole life. He just couldn't understand why Lois wouldn't agree.

I love it that this experience has made them both determined to move forward. Kal is going to investigate the law and Lois is going to get her paper to the people and (I suspect) start investigating the other Noble Lords. Nor and Ching better look out!

Rats! Now I have another two days to wait for the next post.
