Yeah!! Carol posted again!!
Lois drew random patterns on his chest with her fingertips. "I don't want you to do that with anyone else," she finally said.

"I'm not going to. We still haven't decided if I'm even going. And *if* I do, I already have a wife who I'm falling more in love with every day. Besides, we still don't even know for sure Zara and Ching are telling the truth."

They were both startled when a voice behind them spoke.

A man suddenly appeared at the side of their bed. "They're not."

Lois gasped and Clark sat up abruptly, insinuating himself as best he could between Lois and the intruder.

"Who are you?" Clark demanded. "And how did you get in? What are you doing here?"

"I am Lord Nor of the House of Ra."
Okay, I totally didn't see that one coming. And what an awkward position to be in. I would be wondering how long he had been standing there and how much he had witnessed. Is this Nor going to be a "good guy," or is he playing it up because he knows Clark doesn't want to leave Lois and is trying to give him reason not to?
Lots to think about!
