Whoa! Is Lord Nor maybe the good guy here? As you've said, Zara and Ching so far haven't done anything to show they're on the side of the angels. Or is it just a Machiavellian plot?

And how are all these Kryptonians getting to Earth? (although it's probably not relevant to the plot, I just want to know.)

Interesting dilemma about Clark. I'm glad that he's putting Lois first, but of course he wouldn't be the Clark we know and love if he didn't feel some concern about New Krypton.

If Clark has no powers right now, does Lord Nor know that? Does Nor have powers right now? Does it take a few days under the yellow sun to "charge up"? If Nor knows that Clark is harmless to him, will Nor try something?

Again, you've got me wondering - is Nor the bad guy here?