Well, I had no trouble picturing Kal's outfit this time! laugh wink

Lois Lane, Daily Planet, would not have hesitated.

But Lois Lane, unemployed alien on New Krypton, did.
laugh This is funny, but of course sad at the same time. I think Lois is dealing very well with her lack of independence. All the time spent with Kal no doubt helps.

But she *would* find out more.

A whole lot more.
She hasn't lost her instincts and desire to seek out the truth, she's just a lot more aware of sticking to boundaries and trying not to get into trouble. The last thing she wants is to cause trouble for Kal or jeopardise her position with him when he is what is keeping her from despair and loneliness. Even though she is beginning to realise he is fond of her, she isn't aware of the depth of his feelings and that he can't bear the thought of losing her the way she doesn't want to lose him, even to the point of thinking she may not want to return home if she could as mentioned in the last chapter.

Kal was going to kiss an Earth woman.

Had Jor-El kissed his wife, La? Did Jor-El hurt when La left him?

Or was their marriage like his to Za?

Empty and meaningless with only one objective – one objective which, so far, had eluded them.
I'm starting to think along the same lines Vicki mentioned that the truth has deliberately been kept from Kal, though how Lord Nor could be responsible for what Kal was taught fairly early in his life I'm not too sure. I suppose it depends on the age-gap between them. Unless the 'birds and the bees' talk is kept until much later on New Krypton than earth. I wonder how he thinks an heir is produced? Has he been told a stork brings one?!

His aim was a little wayward – he got closer to her nose than he had intended – but he’d done it. Now he had to wait to see if she ran away.

She didn’t.

She smiled at him.

“Was it all right that I did that?” he asked.


Kal’s nervous tension unravelled on a deep breath. “Good.”
Awwww! I'm so pleased Kal is being brave and decisive despite his nerves, rather than waiting to kiss her for weeks before plucking up courage.

He handed her the spoon, grinning widely.

Grinning like he knew something she didn’t.

Lois studied him, reflecting on how quickly she had developed the ability to read the nuances of his expression. Maybe that was a testament to how much time she had spent looking at him.

Or maybe he wasn’t quite so inexpressive any more. Maybe he was copying her.

Because there was nothing subtle about this grin.
laugh He must be flattered and confused at the same time.

He loaded his spoon, but then let it plop back into the oatmeal. “Are there any other ways of saying ‘thank you’?”

His eyes were sparkling ... almost like his thoughts had rocketed ahead and found her answer highly amusing. “Sometimes we shorten it to ‘thanks’.”

“Is there an action that means ‘thank you’?” Kal asked. “Instead of a word?”

“What sort of action?”

Kal smoothed his smile, but could do nothing about the fun sparking in his eyes. “A kiss maybe?” he suggested. “Or a hug?”
Any excuse eh Kal! wink You don't need one, she'll hug and kiss you anyway.

The tension through Kal’s jaw eased. “You know what I’m feeling again?”

Lois smiled. “I know you’re worried about something.”
It must be such a relief to Kal having a confidante and indeed someone who questions him and Kryptonian laws and traditions. It seems he's never had anything remotely like that, especially having had no parents and it appears no friends.

“Today is a long day of ceremony and meetings,” Kal said. “I’m not sure if I will see you again until breakfast tomorrow.”
frown And I feel concerned, Lois can get into a lot of trouble in the space of a day!

“I need you to hug me.”

Could it be possible he didn’t *know* how an heir could be conceived?
I think you're getting warm Lois.

Given how he looked, why didn’t his wife have Kal in her bedroom every night?

If she, Lois, were Kal’s wife, there would not be separate houses.

Nor separate bedrooms.

Nor separate beds.

If she, Lois, were Kal’s wife, she was absolutely certain there would be nothing left over for the concubines.

laugh lol Quite right too. If Lois ever became Supreme Ruleress I can see that tradition going right out the window!

Sorry I've quoted nearly all of it - it's just soooo good!!! I look forward to it like a fave TV show then analyse it like an English Literature text!! Fanfic should be studied in schools! It should when it's this good!!

Still so many mysteries. Like Vicki said, I'm intrigued by them all, but at the same time I never want the Lois and Kal scenes to end.

More sooon please!


"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)