Ann Whether the Kryptonians are human or not is not actually a question I've thought about too much - I just write them as I see them in my head.

I was fascinated by the earlier discussion about human/not human ... but, for me, the answer is just not important.

So I guess each reader can come to their own conclusion.

This is vague (and I'm too lazy to go through and check the scripts), but didn't Jor-El say something about Earth people being similar enough to Kryptonians that Earth would be the best destination for his infant son?

Clearly there are similarities ... just as there are differences.

About the names of the gods ... it was never my intention to suggest any religious significance to the names of the warring Houses ... I just stole them from TNAOS. Now that you've pointed it out, it is entirely possible that the original writers had reasons for the names they chose.

As always, Ann, your comments bring vast knowledge and much interest to the discussion. Thanks!