Oh, I miss feedback threads like this! This kind of discussion about stories is one of the most wonderful things about FoLCdom and it makes me very happy to see it's still going strong, even after all these years. smile1

As I've done with every part so far, I got to the end and gave an internal whimper of, "Nooo, it can't be over already!" I would gladly stay up all night to read this story. It makes my whole day when I see a new post.

My comments are similar to everyone else's -- I'm fascinated by their conversations and what they're learning about each other, and the cutlery scene was priceless. I literally LOL'ed at Kal's "Don't bite it" when he offered her the glass, as I'm sure everyone did. Very nicely done!

As for the smiling/laughing debate going on in the thread, I'm still working with the theory that the colony hasn't been around that long and that maybe Kal's parents did smile at him when he was a baby, even if he doesn't recall it. Time will tell if I'm anywhere in the ballpark. (Though honestly, it isn't a topic that even glimmered in my mind as I was reading, so I think you're safe as far as changing anything goes. smile )

Oh, and I'm also still working with the theory that Lois is on NK to stay, at least unless she ends up going elsewhere with Kal. The NKers clearly don't know where Earth is, and an Earth space program that is just setting up its first trip to Mars (unsuccessfully, at that) certainly can't mount an expedition to find her. So I think Lois might as well settle in and learn as much as she can about her new home. And personally, I can't wait to find out about it right along with her!

More, please? I'm perfectly willing to grovel.