Well I did say that if you asked questions and offered answers, I would learn a lot!!

Starting generally ...

RE - whether a baby's smile is innate ... the discussion was fascinating. Probably moreso for me because I know why Kal doesn't smile. evil

RE - whether Kal is human or not - another fascinating discussion - and one I'm staying right out of.

Except for ... what Happy Girl said about which of Clark's characteristics can be found in Kal ... she summed it up perfectly.

I will add this - there is another of Clark's traits that could be added to the list - something else, absolutely fundamental, that he shares with Kal.

Annalina Thanks for your comments. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Terry You don't lack for ideas, do you Terry? smile

Thanks for reading and leaving comments. There will be a few misunderstandings along the way!

Pedendang Thanks for your enthusiasm - the parts will be posted as soon as I can ... unfortunately there is this thing called Real Life ... sigh.

Also thanks for your contribution to the discussions. As I said, I found them fascinating.

Happy Girl I loved your summation of Clark and Kal. Obviously Kal has differences, but I hope the essence of Clark shows though.

Glad you liked the cutlery!

Re - Lois grieving. I was a little concerned that she didn't get to this until Part 3, but decided that everything is so new and so different that it took a little time for her to gain a full appreciation of what she had lost.

I'm glad it worked for you.

Something tells me that Kal will be smiling by the end of this story.
You got it!!

Ann As always, your FDK is insightful and full of bonus information.

I have explanations for why things are the way they are. Whether those explanations will satisfy ... I guess we'll both have to wait and see. wink

Thanks for all your comments Ann. I'm glad you're still with us.

lcfan99 Thanks for leaving FDK. You make a good point regarding Kal's emotions.

Amber Thanks for your FDK, Amber. I'm glad you're enjoying the fic.

Michael Thanks Michael. Uhmm ... the whole society thing - I might have to think a little more on that.

Especially if you add in Lord Nor and the obvious implication that he's a greedy, manipulative megalomaniac with an unhealthy sex-drive.
Did *I* say that?? :p
