FDK goes here smile .

Please, feel free to email me for the [short?!] synopsis of OTOH/UP!

Posting schedule: M/Th for now. I have some buffer, a gap, then another chapter, then more gap, then four more chapters written. As I fill in the gaps, I'll increase the posting schedule smile .

Next post: Thursday, probably morning

Chapter 2 Preview
"Christopher," Mom said, sounding a bit exasperated. "What's going on?"

They all appeared in front of us. The grown-ups looked back and forth between Lois and Lana and me. They looked like our families.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Sam asked Lois.

"Dat no' my mommy," the little boy said, his arms crossing in front of him. "Dat no' daddy, eit'er."
Thanks smile .