/me waves

Hey all! Here we go!

Karen - no Trask never learns... wink Would I really kill off Clark?!

Games - hehe - I had use the thesaurus to make sure I got good words...

Sarah - Thanks smile .

Ann - Rachel? Why would Rachel be there?

Artemis - thanks! Not sure where the inspiration came from but Cat helped reassure me it was reasonable smile .

Michael - But if I'd done that 14 or so chapters ago there wouldn't have been a story wink .

Amy - will see a bit of the explanation for that later.

HappyGirl - Well [and maybe this wasn't clear], he was being held at gunpoint - what else was he supposed to do?

Laura - thanks.

Ann - just curious - how exactly does one put up a dignified fight with a maniac with lots of guns? Trask didn't kill Clark right away on the show either. Here at least, he also thought that Superman had taken over Clark's boday - my thinking is that he doesn't think killing Clark will kill Superman, he'll just find a new host but if Clark's body dies [from Superman's continued weakening by K] then that's different. Not sure if it makes any logical sense but Trask isn't exactly logical smile .

Amber - Nope, no sequel planned, but an epilogue...

There's a couple areas that need tweaked on the next part so will do that then post smile .

Thanks again!