I, too, thought it was just a little embarrassing that Jonathan called Trask all those names. I thought Jonathan was demeaning himself by talking that way. Then again, what can you do? What could Jonathan do? He couldn't just lie down and die, so he had to oppose Trask somehow. And he didn't have many options. Yes, I wish Jonathan could have put up a more dignified fight, but I don't blame him for not coming up with anything better.

I find it harder to understand why Trask didn't kill Clark and Jonathan right away, when he had them at his mercy. A man like Trask is paranoid and wants to cleanse the Earth from aliens as soon as possible, so why wait? I can see that Trask thought that he might lure Lois out of hiding by leaving Clark alive for a while and using him as a bait, so that Trask could kill Clark's offspring, too, not just Clark himself. But if I were Trask, I think I would consider myself capable of finding and killing a scared pregnant woman, and I would regard her husband as a bigger threat. If I were Trask, I would find it more logical to kill Clark right away and maybe leave him lying on the ground where Lois could see him, which may lure her out just as effectively.

But then again, I'm certainly not asking Carol to put on her Spock ears and have Trask kill Clark and Jonathan right away just because that would be more logical! smile
