Ahh gaahhh. I can understand that Lois didn't tell Kal right away as long as she thought that the asteroid wasn't a threat any more, but as soon as she realized that the world was still in danger she should have told him. After all, she knows that Kal's first priority is to protect the Earth. How could she think that it was okay to hide the truth about Kal from himself and thereby prevent him from saving the Earth? The selfishness here is monumental. I can certainly understand that Kal flew away from her without kissing her. And surely, when he returns, he will not move back in to her apartment.

I really don't think that things are over forever between Lois and Kal, because you wouldn't do that to us, would you, Beth? But Lois made an absolutely awful mistake, a most horrible mistake, when she didn't tell Kal about himself, even though the Earth was in danger. Now she has to earn Kal's trust back, and that will take time, I'm sure.
