Delightful tale thus part. Clearly this needs to be a Revelation tale.

Why? First because Superman is spilling two much about his attachment to Lois.

Second because we know Lois is over her Superman crush.

How do we know this?, Two reasons.
  • She's not giddy and gleeful at this news.

    But, according to this woman and supposed common knowledge, Superman's nightly patrol always seemed to end with a flyby visit to her apartment building.
  • She'd no long trying to put the moves on Superman
    Though come to think of it, she hadn't done a lot of that lately. The seducing Superman bit.

So given that Lois is over her crush and Clark is spilling his guts
"I - I listen for your heartbeat."
Either they move forward or Superman feels the wrath of Mad Dog Lane and any hope for a relationship is dead.
