Wow, Beth clap

The kiss totally took me off guard. I can't wait to find out what exactly went on inside of Kal at the time.

The stuff once he was back at her apartment... Well, aside from the obvious (Kal is consuming nourishment), wow. It actually mirrors what happened when Lois was under the influence of the pheromone.

As for Terry's concerns. Well, there is the canon stuff from which we know male Kryptonians are horndogs to the bone. Then there is the way Kal behaved during PML. So I'd say Lois has no reason to fear he'd consider this sort of event to be gross.

As for taking advantage of him, well, I'm sure Lois knows what she's doing. Besides, it is just a kiss. Lois is much too scared to do anything else. But I was reading with my hands firmly clasped overs my eyes.


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