Thanks everyone!

Sarah - sounds like, um, fun...

Karen - Lucy's timing is better than Jimmy's...

Natascha - opening? There's supposed to be an opening?

Michael - I've not seen these rules so I know not what is them /innocent smile/.

Patrick - /zips lip and smiles/

Artemis - thanks!

Amy - hehe - glad you liked that part - I did too.

Vive - nice to see you! Thank you! More coming up!

Iolan - Queen of Tantalizing moments? I can live with that wink . My pet peeve too. Tis why DH and I have separate tubes [that and we prefer different flavors].

Games - hmm... could change the outcome of those things couldn't it...

Amber - I love this Lucy too. You'll see why in a few chapters... This Lois is several years older than most of my Loises lately...

Happy - exactly!

Female Hawk - I think there was a lot that we didn't see re: J/M.

In celebration of getting 3 chapters done in the last 3 days... I'm posting tonight smile .
