This part was great. It ranged from hilarious to poignant.

I love the dating instruction from Lois. How many of us have felt clueless at times in those situations? The whole bit with "you should offer, but she might offer, than you should offer again" - I could just see Kal's eyes crossing as he tried to figure it out.

“All right,” he agreed. “I will go with her tonight. But I’m going to explain to her that there is no way that we are having a romantic relationship.”

Lois nodded her approval. “It’s the best thing for you to do, Kal. Really.”
Lois, you wouldn't have a little vested interest in this, now, would you?

Poor Mayson. "The worst date ever." But at least that might distract her from Kal's odd responses which might have led her to the secret!
“You do work, don’t you?” she asked innocently, taking a sip of her coffee.

“Uh, yes, of course I… Uh… Well, just like every *normal* person… who works.”
Another good bit! Here in America we talk so much about our jobs. Kal has just found out that he has to get a cover story! Good save, with saying he doesn't have a job yet. And true.

One minor quibble: I believe it is the brake "pedal" and the gas "pedal" when Kal is driving the car. Referring to feet (like pedestrians). "Peddle" would be selling something.

Driving lessons - please tell me Brian isn't trying to teach Kal a stick shift. That would be even worse. Go, automatic transmissions!

And, best line ever:
“This car is unable to anticipate any of my desires,” Kal complained.
Primitive Earth technology! And ROTFL!