I had never heard of Oleanna, but I googled it, so now I feel a lot more educated! Reading LnC fanfiction sure broadens your horizons! laugh And I definitely agree that it is not exactly a good play for a date. Wikipedia said that it is about sexual harassment and the first half enrages the female audience and the secand half enrages the males! Brilliant choice of play, Mayson! Dont you try to find out anything about the plays you have tickets for before you invite a guy there for a date?

(I hope Mayson won't follow through on her 'threat' to find out more about Clark, though....)

Of course it was Luthor who had Miranda killed. Now that Clark hopefully got rid of Mayson, I look forward to seeing him help Lois nail Lex.

It was rather touching to see Brian teach Kal how to drive. The best part of that scene was that it offered us such a moving glimpse of Kal's loneliness. He had tried to communicate with Earth people through telepathy, but it was like talking to 'the broad side of a barn'. What a fantastic picture that is of Kal, the lonesome farmboy Kryptonian.
