I agree that it is incorrect to assume all the kids will be "good" kids. But I don't want Nan to explore that possibility! I'd rather put on the blinders and pretend that in just one universe, the influence of one good person in a child's life will trump all else. I know that in the real world, that is not true.-- There are some terrific parents who raised kids that turned out less than terrific, and it's not the parents' fault how it turned out.

But in fanfic, in this universe, I'd like to hold on to the illusion of goodness winning in the end. Having Superman to lead by example and provide a friendly ear to vent to, should trump all else. Add to that the fact these mothers sacrificed a great deal of themselves to do what they believed was right in bringing their pregnancies to term... we can't have any rogue superkids as a result. smile I'd rather leave that story for the universe where Luthor's parents found Kal-El's ship!

But of course, this is Nan's universe, so I'll trust her to handle it with her usual skill and tact, however she decides to go forward.


Jackie N.