Good story, Nan. To me, it had the same feel as one of those old Saturday hero serials where every chapter ends with a cliffhanger which is resolved in the next chapter. So it wasn't all that suspenseful, but it was very well written and it definitely brought out some aspects of superkids that I hadn't considered.

I do have a couple of questions (or comments, however you want to read them).

First, Lois got a really bad whack on the head. I have to wonder if that will affect her telepathic abilities at all, either for good or for ill.

(There's a persistent story that Cass Elliot, one of the original Mamas and Papas, couldn't find the high harmony notes the others wanted her to sing until a stove pipe fell on her head and put her in a Jamaican hospital for a few days. I do not know if it's true.)

My second question - or comment, really - is that all of the feedbackers seem to be assuming that all the K-kids will be good people when they grow up and they'll all be heroes. Why are we assuming that? If New Krypton had its share of selfish and brutal psychopaths, why wouldn't at least a few of these kids grow up the same way? And how would the justice systems of the world's countries deal with a situation like that?

Food for thought, that's all. Although it's an interesting premise, don't you think?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing