Hi everyone! Thank you for reading and commenting on this story. I really appreciate hearing what everyone thinks. laugh

That's my Jack, always one step ahead of everyone else.
He certainly is, Jana! I'm really glad you enjoyed this, and I hope the rest of your birthday celebration was great! I know I had fun for the parts I was there for. laugh
This was lovely, Anna, and is shaping up to be a really cute little vignette. There were lots of great lines and a nice sense of atmosphere.
Thanks Labby! I'm glad you liked it. blush laugh
By the way was it a love story they saw?
Well, I never really said what movie they saw. When Jack talked to Clark about it they were going to see a sci-fi movie, but maybe I'll put something more specific into the final draft before I send it to the archive. Thanks for the great question, Laura! It keeps me on my toes.
Jack is looking for problems
You've got that right, Jose!
I particularly liked the part where their hands brushed in the popcorn box
And then the touch of hands. Clark obsessing over what to do next was classic!
I also loved the hands brushing part and all the thoughts that went on in both afterwards.
Thanks, Wendy, Vicki, and Laura. I'm glad people liked this part cause I was a little nervous about how it would turn out. smile
But, but... they went home separately! That wasn't right
Now he just has to get them to go home together.
But of course, no plan works immediately. The two lunkheads head home separately. Let's see what Jack has cooking in Part 2.
wonderful start - but they went home alone
No, they certainly shouldn't have gone home alone, but that's what part two is for. wink
And I can't wait to find out what the rest of Jack's plan entails and what Lois' revenge will be.
Okay, Anna, now that I have finally read this, *where* is part two?
Next part soon, please.
Waiting for the second part .....
Well, I hope I'm not lynched for this, but... part two isn't exactly written yet. I've got it all plotted and about half written, so I'm close, but it's not quite done. Don't fret too much though, I should have it up here within a couple of weeks.

Again, thanks to everyone who read and/or commented on the story; it really makes my day!
