Yay, I get a birthday fic! Thank you, Twinnie! blush smile1 It is the perfect present. I just love Jack. (For anyone who didn't remember!) And, as Vicki pointed out, a Jack story is perfect for me on my birthday. That's my Jack, always one step ahead of everyone else. laugh

Had she reached for the popcorn at the same time on purpose, or was it just a coincidence? Did she think that he had done it on purpose? Had she even noticed that they had touched? Did she care? What should he do next? Should he go in for the popcorn again? Or wait a while? Or just leave it entirely alone for the rest of the night?
<g> Weren't we just talking about this? This is perfect! Guys overanalyze things too, it's not just the female gender that does it! And poor Clark, I can see his mind racing wildly as he tries to answer all the questions swimming in his head. He should have just taken her hand!! (I'm definitely with Wendy on that one!) smile

And then...
What had happened? What were these thoughts running through her head? Why was she suddenly having these feelings? Why was she picturing herself curled up, content in Clark’s arms? Why was she wishing that he had taken her hand when it had brushed his? Why was she so confused?
Awwww! That's the perfect image for her to be having-- being in Clark's arms. C'mon, Lois, you know you want it!

I think my favorite line though was
He didn’t know what had gone on inside the theater, or what exactly was going through their heads, but if everything kept going according to his plan, Lois and Clark would be lovebirds faster than he could shoplift a Twix bar.
rotflol That's Jack all right. Only he could use that comparison so innocently. Yummy Twix. Too bad I can't have any.

Now, Twinnie, you'd better fix things and get it all worked out. And hurry up about it! (I'm nothing if not patient.) wink

And thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. blush I appreciate it! party

Jana (who is now able to rent a car and believes that this is the last significant birthday until that "Over the hill" mark.)

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye