I got slammed in lab last night (The Flame Atomic Absorption lab is SUPPOSED to take 2 hours... but no, the machine had to break so we were there the whole three hours and still have to come back on Saturday to finish...) and didn't have time to go do my final edit of the next chapter. So it's going to be posted after I get off work (I'm trying to get off this afternoon but I'll have to see, so any time between noon - 5pm CST is when I can start on this... and it takes me ~30-45min to prep/post.)

Elisabeth: Thank you.

Michael: =P And I'm glad you liked the extras.

IolantheAlias: Thanks you, I went through this before posting and anything I couldn't think of an explanation for (baring the TVs since I had already posted that) I changed to something I thought they could pull off. My main problem with this episode was believability, ~.^

Bob: I know. The pranks weren't just advanced, they were impossible. Toy money from an ATM? Blue gunk throughout the water system? I also felt that, while the episode touched on Lois' connections to Aymee, they ignored Clark's... hello? Alien orphan vs human orphan? And I loved having Lucy there for this, =) She nicely offset Lois because Lois acts a little differently around her and Aymee can relate to the big sister vs little sister dynamic.

Sara "Lieta"