Very interesting how the telepathy and Lois and Clark's budding romance changes the episode. Lex seems even more evil in this story than usual (/me shudders at the thought).

Perry joined them, eying her trench coat. “So, Lois, how’s the undercover work going?”

She blinked. “Fine, Chief, why?”

Perry grinned. “Good, I didn’t think you’d *chicken* out on me...” He sauntered off laughing.

<I’m going to kill Jimmy...>
Cute. It's kind of nice to see Lois' ire directed at Jimmy, instead of Clark. Although, things like that are what showed Lois that Clark would stand up to her and that he wasn't (too) afraid of her.
Good-looking men who save my life are handy to have around...”
I think I missed that. I remember Clark diving onto Johnny, but didn't see that he saved Toni too. The flirting between Toni and Joey (with running commentary by Lois) was great.