/waves/ Thanks guys smile . Have enjoyed reading these today!

AnKS - that's one way of thinking about. The other way would be - does Joe, for instance, really want to make this Lois marry him on the off chance they figure out how to switch back [if that's in fact what happened]. And it's not like *this* Clark is going to get Lana pregnant... RAFO smile . And there's only a week left - you can deal with one a days can't you?!

Sira - glad to still have you! The looks on the faces of the Lois and Clark who belong here *would* be priceless wouldn't it?! wink

Ann - I kind of feel sorry for her too. I think she came off more... snotty or something than I meant her to, but she's *really* annoyed with the Clark she thinks is her husband right now. And the only reassurance they have that causing the accident would get them home is Tempus' word and somehow he doesn't seem the most reliable. In her mind, I think, they could go cause the accident and still end up in the wrong world...

Andreia - [btw - haven't forgotten those pics but haven't finished the vid yet... soon hopefully...]. No erotic dreams. The last one of those was at the cabin a few years ago.

JD - /whistles/ Seriously, there are snippets written in my head... And that's all I'm saying about that...

Sara - You bring up very good points. I hope they're addressed satisfactorily at some point.

Michael - your definition of fun is warped... But we already knew that... wink

Thanks guys!