/waves/ Thanks guys!

Ann - I loved that part too wink . As I mentioned in the other FDK thread, I've thought about writing the story of this Lois/Joe/Clark/Lana/baby girl, etc. but don't know that I will. I know it would have a limited audience because there are many who don't even want Lois and Clark to go on a date with anyone else EVER even before they meet each other much less be married to each other. As for Lana in this timeline... /whistles/

Dandello - of course Tempus isn't going to win! He's silly to think he is. As for the one timeline with no Lois, it has a Clark so Superman could still be around [and presumably Van-El, too].

Sara - Yes he is smile . Hey, it's entirely possible it was for a story that never materialized smile . Or has yet to materialize. I've done that before - asked a question about a story that never materialized...

Michael - as for how things work out... RAFO wink .

Andreia - don't think about it too much or you'll just make your head hurt wink .

Ann - some of those were intentionally stuck in OTOH with this in mind wink . Some were not put in intentionally but taken advantage of smile . The choice thing reminds me of the potential for that Lois/Joe/baby girl story. No, Van-El has nothing to do with it. He really just needed some time [and I needed to keep him/Clark away from each other for a few days]. That's all.

Natascha - so glad you're still reading! I'm glad you like the daily posts! Even though there's more to come in this universe, that's going to end pretty soon wink . Well, in this series. Who knows which universe! The fic is basically done - edits here and there as I post but that's it so it's a possibility. And what's with all the vacations?!?! I wanna go!!! wink

More coming up!