I'm glad you're not going to have them sleep together just because "they're still with A Lois/Clark.

It may be tempting for the married party, but it wouldn't be something the unmarried party would be comfortable with.
Furthermore, like I said before, Clark is not the same Clark that he was before he was married. And Lois isn't the same Lois before she was married either.
In many ways, we've got an Alt-Clark with canon Lois and Alt-Lois with canon Clark here. (Only they're both canon, so it's more confusing.)
But married Lois is still in love with MARRIED Clark, not the Clark she was dating a few years ago.
And married Clark is love with MARRIED Lois, not the Lois he was dating a few years ago.

P.S. - I wonder if Clark is going to cach the "Utopia issue" about the kids.
(1)"Tempus likes to mess us up so our kids won't create Utopia."
(2)"We can't have kids."


(Of course, I tend to believe that the issue will be a little tougher than "Lois got pregnaut and Dr. Klien was wrong!" But it's certainly a clue that they WILL solve their fertility problems)

EDIT: Oh, and I don't mean to burst your bubble or be rude or anything, but I don't think I'm the Sara you think I am. I've only been around for about six months. Hope you appreciate the FDK, anyway. Still loving the time travel.