
Thanks guys!

Lieta - I agree - impossible choice... Which is why he's making them make it wink .

Sheila - That's what I get for posting first thing in the morning when I'm still exhausted... The impression I have of Lana here is that she's okay with the whole Kryptonian thing but she's scared about him going public - like someone mentioned below, like Jonathan. I think Jois could have been good together too wink .

Karen - I'm not evil. Really I'm not. That's just a figment of your imagination.

Sarah - hehe.

Ann - Trying to kill you did cross my mind but I decided that I really didn't want to go to prison!

Andreia - love the pics!

JD - Nope, not me. Couldn't be. Hope it lives up to expectations.

Michael - We [and by that I mean me and one or more betas and I've not got a clue who] discussed it being a mind switch only but that's a lot harder to fix IMO. Part of the benefit of not having an omniscient narrator is that 'we' only 'know' what they know. So while I've tried to include at least theories of what happened, it's based solely on their knowledge and not what Tempus may know but hasn't told them for instance. I've tried to make rules and stick to them - and hope the loopholes aren't big enough to fly a Kryptonian or two through.

Dandello - ooo bakery!

Sara - interesting theory. Exactly about Lana - that's how I feel about her. One thing I tried to do with the Lois/Clark scene here was mirror the Clark/Lana scenes in OTOH when he tells her he's married and at the library.

Amber - I hope your jaw is okay. At some point I'll even let you know what the other fic is but not yet wink .

Lovesuper - love the smilies!

Terry - originally this was supposed to start with Clark waking up with Lana on some morning [though I wasn't sure when], possibly in Lois' room at the cabin b/c Sam had let them use for an anniversary or something. But then I figured that would *really* get me lynched so waffiness ensued beforehand. And that would be a very cruel Tempus. I hope I'm good enough to come up with a plausible way to get out of the corner. Believe me, we spent tons of time trying to figure it out over the last six months...

More coming soon!
