I *think* it's DONE!!!!


I was able to use chunks of the original ending but not necessarily in the original context but that's okay.


The last chapter is a bit shorter than the rest but I hope you'll all forgive that. It went from hoping to finish it in two chapters today to finishing it in four so...


Michael - thank you. Clo-El? Really?

Karen - glad you're still reading! Even to just say you're still reading works for me smile .

Terry - thank you again. Honestly. You made my day.

Sara - originally, Bobby was going to be Dave's brother and that's how they met him, but I liked Jimmy there better smile . Shock therapy? What's that?

Lara - thank you! You're right about them keeping that from Perry but they made it clear after the kidnapping thing that their family is off-limits for the sole purpose of selling papers but that if the story [of Christopher's kidnapping at that point] was ever told, it would be told in the Daily Planet. As for Van-El, yes, they know his secret identity, but to disclose that would be to ruin Clark's chances of ever having a relationship with him and probably their lives as well - just like protecting Clark's identity in any incarnation and their family's when they have superkids. And even then, Lois doesn't really know much more about VAN-EL than she's told Perry et al.

Anyway - thanks to all of you!

Look for two posts tomorrow. Probably 10-noon ET [as soon as I'm up and around and kids situated] and mid/late evening ET. Doubtful there will be a post on Christmas Day though.

Thanks again!