That was sweet. I loved how Bobby Bigmouth found Clark.

Clark is not going to be able to divorce Lois. I mean, he could tenchically, but if he does, she won't take him back.

She has said that she doesn't want to be "second choice." In her mind, him divorcing her and then decideding he loves her after all, would be "second choice", even if he DIDN'T leave her in favor of Lana. It would simply be too much for her heart to take.

I still think we need some kind of "shock therapy" to get them together. One of them needs to be in danger of dying. Clark will realize that he can't "live with out Lois." The theme of the story.

Trask, like I said before, could be a useful tool to achieve this. Trask is going to show up, whether the superhero is Superman or Van-El. Their still both aliens.

Of course, I could be wrong, but that's the way I see it happening. It's not very realistic, but it's a popular tatic in the LnC universe.