How wonderful to see both of them craving physical contact! At least they are both acknowledging it, even if not to each other just yet.

Yay to Lois for telling Clark to think more about becoming "super" and to Clark for willing to find a way for Lois to be Lois Lane at work. Both big steps. I wonder though if Lois has any idea what Clark's going off to be super on a regular basis would mean for them...

What a way to spend the first day in a new job. Congratulations! I am proud of Lois for calling in the police first. She acts very responsibly here. smile

I just hope the tears in the first preview are happy tears! I love that Clark is initiating the contact here! He has smartened up. <g>

Once Lois has some time to actually think more about Lana said, she will probably see certain things that will prove the ex right. I have high hopes for these two!

Natascha (glad to be back)