"Have you thought any more about that?" I asked quietly, nodding towards the movie.

He nodded. "Yeah. I have. But I don't think I'd seriously consider it until the whole Navance thing is over."

"Think about today though," I pointed out. "You could have left and changed into a costume and flown around looking for him. And maybe caught the guy."
Yay!!! Lois is telling Clark to become... that guy in tights! thumbsup

"Who helped you pick that tie out?" I couldn't even begin to describe it. Yellows, blues, whites, abstract patterns...
And his weird ties! Nobody can look at his face when he's wearing those weird ties! clap Thanks to her, they caught the Toyman!!! clap

She didn't move from my arms as she spoke and I had the feeling she was enjoying it as much as I was.

So why had I let it happen?

Why hadn't I... not *forced* the issue, but forced the issue. Held her hand or hugged her or spooned with her at night – on purpose.
Yes, Clark, why haven't you? Of course Lois likes it every bit as much as you do. She has already told you that she is in love with you. She only wants you to love her back. And you do, and Lana knows it, so now you only need to convince Lois that you do - and you have to convince yourself, of course!

Great parts, Carol!
