FDK goes here smile . Surely that wasn't evil, now was it?

And yes, these were the parts that made me almost like Lana [though when I said that, I was only part way through writing 122 so I didn't know about 123 yet...]

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Saturday, 10-noon ET


Chapter 124

"Is this straight?" Clark asked. "I usually have better luck with regular ties than bow ties, but this knot just doesn’t want to cooperate today."

I raised an eyebrow when he turned around.


"Who helped you pick that tie out?" I couldn't even begin to describe it. Yellows, blues, whites, abstract patterns...
Chapter 125

"*Kents*! My office. *Now*!" Perry hollered at us the second we walked through the stairwell door. I'd bet that he'd been waiting for us.

"Can't, Perry! Hot story!" Lois yelled back.

"*I* decide what's hot and what's not. Now."
Thanks smile .