This is a small matter, but I'm pretty sure this is a typo.

"I'm glad you can fly," Lois said with a sigh. "I can't believe I forgot Ducky for Christopher." He was so attached to the duck I'd picked out when Clark won the pitching contest at the Corn Festival. Forgetting it was practically a cardinal sin.
This is Clark's POV, but you wrote, "He was so attached to the duck I'd picked out when CLARK won the pitching contest..." I think it should be "He was so attached to the duck LOIS had picked out when I won the pitching contest..." because I'm pretty sure Lois picked out the stuffed animal that day.

You might want to take a second look at that.

Moving on. (assuming I can, because my posts have been delated a least three times since I started writing! dance

I also find it interesting Clark didn't have any feelings for Lana when he saw her in the grocery store. Of course, his problems with Lois won't end if he does eliminate getting back together with Lana as a REMOTE possiblity.
But it would be a good start.
I wonder if he will think about that.

I also understand Lois's reaction at the wedding. Even though her husband asked her to dance (which she never saw as a possiblity) she felt that she was being compared to Lana by Clark.
After all, they had already had the "you're just not Lana" conversation.

I'd like to see Clark admit to Lois that he didn't have any feelings for Lana when he saw her in the grocery store. But he'd have to admit it to himself first.

YES! Yes! I finally finished writing my post! dance Let's see if I can post it this time before I delate everything again.