Hi guys! smile
Yay!! Feedback!! Thanks!!! smile1

I'll admit, I'm a bit nervous, because this is such a departure from my usual fare, and (mostly) because there are so many contradicting ways I could have handled the premise. Incidentally; if this inspires ANYONE to write a fic with the same starting point, then by all means GO FOR IT! laugh

Why Arizona?
I'll be honest, it's been so long that I forgot. But I'm 90% sure that it was mostly due to the low population. Plus, she couldn't just start off in Kansas. (Jor-El was giving her a choice, after all.)

You have that evil reputation, after all.
...what? eek Evil? Me??? You really think so?! blush
EEE! I have arrived! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! hyper

So, how are you handeling the existance of Green K and Red K?
That does come up, but I don't want to give a lot away just yet. ... Or at all, come to think of it.
Most of your questions, though, will be answered soon enough in the next few parts. ^_^

Thanks for reading and commenting, everyone! wave

See you next week. devil
