Ok... so you know I'm tragically addicted to this story... however, first I have to bring up a terminology issue which really bugged me with this part..

Or, we could change the way the southern ice cap is shifting and not cool off the air it would have cooled because we’ve moved so much ice so quickly.
Southern ice cap. That's a northern hemisphere terminology for the Arctic, it is not used for the Antarctic region, and I can't believe Clark would be that naive.
I think perhaps you were intending the Antarctic Ice Pack? Or the Antarctic Ice Sheet, although neither make much sense with the "shifting" description. The Antarctic Ice Sheet sits atop the continent of Antarctica... even Superman would be hard pressed to 'shift' it. The Ice Packs however do grow and contract over time... again, I wouldn't read this as 'shifting'...
I dunno... it just didn't make much sense to me (admittedly I haven't done antarctic glaciology since university some 15 years ago, but still)

Aside from that... as I said.. enjoying the story..
I'm intrigued by the 'cage' (?) that was built to hold Superman. Sounds scary... but I think Lois should be taking Robin for a casual walk down into it, pushing her in, lock it up and throw away the key...
I'm glad she's got the kryptonite on her now... but I worry about whether she can get to it fast enough...

It is pretty obvious Robin's intentions are to 'have' Clark. And yet the lunkhead still doesn't see it!!! Men... honestly... they can be so stupid sometimes. Anyone got a cruise liner handy to smash into Clarks head? The problem is... I think that's a true thing... men (and women too) sometimes see slight flirtation as something harmless, irrelevant.. so they miss the malicious intention of the act...
I also disliked the fact Clark laid the 'reason' as Lois... it gives Robin false hope to persue him if she can take Lois out of the equation.

This is heading down a path I'm not sure I want to see it go.. but it does seem like the natural flow can't be stopped, unless Lois has something up her sleeve stronger than the kryptonite.

I am intrigued by your story Terry, and it brings out strong emotions for me towards the characters. I enjoy stories that challenge the norm, whether they end up with a happily ever after ending or a more tragic result. I like that you are willing to take the risks needed to take these characters out of their normal comfort zones and into a darker place...

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box