AnKS - Hmmm... I guess that's a good a reason as any for Lana and Linda to have hit it off. I do think that Lois will avoid them at all costs - as much as possible.

Terry - the reason Lois can't move home will become clear and that reason will play a pretty major role later. I will say that Sam is not evil or involved in anything sinister or employed by Lex or anything like that. I think you're right about Lana being the one pushing for the suite, but I don't know that Clark protested too much. As for what Lois and Clark end up doing together to throw a potential wrench in the Clark and Lana thing [if anything laugh who's to say Lois and Clark will end up together? /runs for cover], well, you'll have to wait and see.

James - did I tell you how BIG the smile was when I got your PM this morning? I was in front of about 20 students [who were studying for a quiz they were getting ready to take].

Michael - I don't know how many parts it's going to be yet but more than 50. I think Three's Company only had two women at a time, but same idea. Unless something happens, usually [at least in my experience] dorm assignments are for a year so...

Ann - glad you're enjoying it smile . Yeah, I'm not a Lana fan AT ALL so this was a real stretch for me at times because I am trying to write her as someone we would like if she wasn't coming in between Lois and Clark. As for Clark's powers, he's *very* careful about them. I've read other fics where he had roommates who never got suspicious so... We'll see where that goes wink .

Thanks guys! Look for 4 tomorrow!