Hmmm. Wonder what it is between Lois and her dad that Lois just can't move back home and commute? And how will that affect this very interesting interpersonal dynamic that's brewing up in this suite?

I'm sorry to hear about Ellen and Lucy. But it does set up some interesting relationship angles for Lois and her dad. Maybe her father is remarried and Lois doesn't like her new stepsister - er, stepmother? Or maybe Sam is involved in some things that Lois wishes he wasn't involved in? This should be interesting, too.

This Clark is slightly ethically challenged if he and Lana requested adjoining rooms without telling their parents. My impression is that this arrangement was more Lana's idea than Clark's, but he still went along with it. Shame on you, Clark!

Lois is bothered by Clark and Lana playing kissy-face? Maybe all is not as well between Lois and Joe as she would like to believe. After all, Joe wasn't invited up to her room. And now that Clark is there, he might not ever be invited. I wonder how that's going to affect the dynamic.

Linda is more than just a little predatory? Yeah, that's going to throw a monkey wrench into the works somewhere along the line. Maybe Linda will make a blatant move on Clark and Lana will catch them and accuse Clark - or maybe Lois will catch them and clobber Linda and thereby reveal her sublimated attraction to Clark. Or Clark will catch Joe making a pass at Lana - or Lois will catch them and instead of getting upset at Joe, she'll bust Lana for cheating on Clark and thereby reveal her - you get the idea.

And Clark's powers? Oh, boy, how's he going to keep that information from Lois? And I still don't really know if Lana knows. I think she'd have to, but maybe she's doing her best to ignore that aspect of her hunky boyfriend because she doesn't know how to deal with it.

I bet Lois will know.

Oh, this is just bursting with possibilities and permutations. I'm very interested in seeing where this goes. Will Clark and Lois have a study group together? Will they break a story together? Will Lois allow Linda to live out the year?

This is going to be a fun ride, even with the "no walking around in towels" rule.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing