Well, wow! So much happened in this part!

“I don't remember a second dead person,” she said. “What does that have to do with Superman?” she continued impatiently and slightly frustrated by her inability to remember something Bobby Bigmouth thought was important.

“Well, nothing, if you think that a dead Nigel St. James cannot somehow be involved in this whole thing.”
Nigel St. John??? Nigel St. John was the second dead person in the alley??? eek eek eek

And look at this:

Ever since the reporter had helped him nail Luthor, Henderson respected him.
Clark had helped Henderson to nail Luthor, and now Luthor's right-hand man is dead and Clark Kent is accused of being Superman's murderer? This sounds like Lex getting revenge on Clark Kent for putting him in jail, if you ask me!

That crowd that chased Clark and Lois was incredibly scary. Those people reminded me too much of the mob- and lynch mentality that has been so prevalent in so much of the world for such a long time. This summer, I have been a tourist in my own country, travelling around the province of Skåne and learning as much as I can about it. For example, I have learnt about the witch hunts that lasted between 1543 and 1663 here in Malmö, my home town. Back then women were accused of being witches for totally crazy reasons. For example, one woman bent down to tie her shoelace outside the most important church in this town, Saint Peter's Church, and as she did so she was heard muttering something. A couple of months later the tower of Saint Peter's Church was hit by lightning. Of course it must have happened because that woman had muttered a curse as she was tying her shoelace! The whole city of Malmö went crazy and demanded that the poor woman must be burnt at the stake as a witch - and they got their wish, too. I must say, Barbara, that the crowd you described seemed almost as unreasonable and bloodthirsty as those citizens of Malmö from the sixteenth century. Talk about horrible and scary!!!!

You have to wonder how everybody could just accept that Clark Kent was able to murder Superman, by shooting him, no less. Isn't Superman invulnerable? How could Clark Kent kill him with a gun? Killing Superman with an ordinary bullet seems almost as impossible as making lightning strike the tower of Saint Peter's Church by muttering a curse as you are tying your shoelace.

Well, if nothing else, we certainly learnt one thing is this chapter: Lex Luthor is most definitely involved here!!!

Now I need to see what will happen when Clark starts using his Superman powers!
