Sorry I haven't been more timely on comments for this part of the story, but things have been hectic, so I'm finally getting around to commenting on stories again.

Congratulations on finishing the story!

He was only inches away from her window when she finally managed to speak. “Wait... What I meant is that I’m sure the police could use a little super help. If the investigation is proving to be so slow, maybe you could speed things up. You could help them search Lex’s apartment, see if you can find any documents, *pictures *...”
I'm surprised Clark showed up as Superman. He'd probably have an easier time getting through to Lois and getting her to really talk to him as Clark.

OTOH, I'm glad Lois has made a move in Clark's direction, even if it didn't seem like it initially. She was thinking for him, warning him that Luthor probably had more documentation on his true identity. Better yet, she goes to his apartment for the talk that they should have had eons ago, especially since she can admit to herself that she forgives him.

“I’m sorry that I hurt you. I can’t change what I did, but if you’ll give me the chance, I’ll expend a lifetime trying to make it up to you. Even if that means walking out of your life.”
There's Clark going all noble again, but it is a genuine offer that showed how much he still loved her. Fortunately, Lois disabused him of that notion. smile

She turned around, so she was facing him. “Clark, I...”
Aarrgghh! For a second, I thought Jimmy Interruptus was going to cost them, but instead it was Perry.

I wasn’t being truthful, and that’s something you didn’t deserve. But more than that, I feel ashamed because I knew the kind of man Luthor was almost from the beginning and I could have told you about my suspicions.”
While I know Clark's in groveling mode, he shouldn't have to give this apology. Given Lois' attachment to Superman's greatest enemy, it would have made no sense for him to have told Lois. Lois thinks that Clark hurt her, but she forgives him. I still think from this arc that it's Lois who should be apologizing to Clark. With the circumstances the way they were, Lois didn't deserve to know Clark's secret. Fortunately, Lois refuses to accept his apology, and better yet, refused to let Clark say the fatal words.

Teasingly, she spoke, “Is that all you’re going to do to help me clear up my feelings?” And as her last words were out, she stood on tiptoes and brushed her lips softly against Clark’s.

All his confusion faded the moment he felt her lips on his. Though this wasn’t the kind of reaction he’d been expecting, he wasn’t about to complain.

The kiss was soft and gentle, far from being demanding. It allowed both of them to break free if that was what they wanted. But Lois knew she didn’t want to pull apart; she’d been running far too long. It was time to face the truth. And as Clark’s hand slowly made its way to cup her cheek and the pressure of his lips on hers increased, she knew he didn’t a way out either.
Yay, smoochies!

Very WAFFy ending for this angsty story. Here's looking for your next story!

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin