Ah, so it was Arianna. She seemed just kind of... petty, when we met her before, but I guess she's through-and-through evil. I hope we get to see a bit of her empire unfolding in the last chapter.

So everybody knows everybody's identity now. (Clark is Superman; Lois is Ultra Woman; Lex is good; and Rebecca goes to pieces under pressure.)

I really thought Lois had taken a bullet in the head! I'm so relieved that she didn't die that way. I also really hope she isn't about to die in the next part....

Lex kills Nigel to defend them all. Clark wouldn't do that. Would Lois? Who do we wan to be the driving influence in Ultra Woman's life, hm?

Also, Lex seemed a bit... hyper-concerned over Rebecca. Am I misreading things?