Catherine, what a lovely story! Though I haven't been leaving feedback, I have been following every chapter. I've just been very busy with school but could not stay away!

I've been out of town this weekend for my regional sorority convention and now I have two minutes left to leave feedback. LOL!

She sighed. “Look, I may not remember him, but I know him well enough to know that he wouldn’t do anything like that. It’s not who he is.”
I love how Lois is certain that Superman did not kill anyone, but not sure how she just knows this. Though a part o Lois's memory is wiped out, her emotions are still there.
The threat caused Clark’s vision to swim with red. With a cry of rage, he slammed his head forward, ignoring the pain that lanced through his skull as his blow connected. He lashed out, connecting fists with a ribcage, a nose, a throat, anything that he could reach. Then, not caring that he was playing dirty, not when his wife’s life rested on the line, he brought his knee up swiftly to the other man’s groin.

As his duplicate doubled over, Clark rushed over to where Lois was slumped against the wall.

“No, no, no,” he begged as he knelt down beside her, his hands fluttering between her bruising neck and her still chest. Tilting her head back, he sealed his lips over hers and breathed air into her lungs. He pulled back and brushed his fingers across the smooth skin of her cheek. “Come on, honey. Breathe.”

She can’t die.

Air shuddered into his lungs as he bent down again, forcing his body to stop trembling as he breathed into her once more.

Don’t leave me. Not again.
Now, I'm trying to figure out who this Superman double is. Is it Tom Berry? Does Clark have a split personality, literally? After all he woke to find mud on his feet and wasn't sure how it got there, at the same time that his double kissed Lois. What is going on with Superman?

Hurry back Catherine!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.