Poor Lois, getting Clark's standard post-kidnapping lecture. You'd think she'd have some kind of subcutaneous hyper-sonic transmitter she could activate in such cases, making it easier for him to find her. Oh, wait, that would bring on the lecture that much more quickly. Of course, it would also bring on the "expression of love in a suitable fashion" quicker, too.

Jon's going to be devastated when he finally understands what he's lost. And Kaylie is going to be so motivated to figure out who's got the memory eraser that she's liable to co-opt Ellie into breaking the Blonde Bombshell out of prison so they can interrogate her. (I'm still not convinced that the bad doctor is really dead.) And since her big brother's head is the one that's been messed with, Kaylie just might have to hold Ellie back from really hurting someone. I know I'd hate to see my younger sister being really mad at someone who'd hurt me, because that relationship goes both ways. Ellie's going to be really - put out.

And Kaylie already feels bereft. The man she loves no longer knows her. I can't imagine how I'd feel in a situation such as that. It would be worse than death, worse than a broken relationship, because her heart has been stolen from her and she has no idea how to get it back. I think Jay is going to play a much larger role in this story than he has up to now.

And yes, I liked the Kaylie-Lois interaction at the beginning, too. But I really wonder why it was so easy for them to get away. Were they under observation at the time? Were Lois and Kaylie lucky catches for baiting Superman and Supernova? If so, has Clark lost some of his memories also?

Sheesh. This is getting tense. Tells us more, tells us more now! says Gollum. My precious, my precious story!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing