Wohoo! Another cliffhanger! laugh

The disguise had worked, of course - worked extremely well. Far better than his wildest expectations. He’d been welcomed. His skills had been appreciated - in fact, demanded. He’d been accepted.

Again, you show us that you're able to put Clark's emotions into words, provoking those same emotions into the reader, waking thoughts and gives us an understanding of the character. It's as if Clark's been holding his breath ever since the costume was made, even if he was unaware of it, and is now finally able to relax, take a deep and well-deserved breath, inhaling his happiness and never to let go of it.

Freedom. Acceptance. Lois. What more can a superhero ask for? smile

“You do disappoint me, Ms Lane,” Luthor drawled from behind her, his knee pressing even more painfully into her lumbar region. “No tears? No pleas for mercy? But then, I shouldn’t have expected that from the intrepid Lois Lane. I did expect some spunk, though. You know - empty threats and so forth.” He laughed. “But then, you’re just some pathetic little reporter, after all. Once you don’t have the upper hand, you’re nothing. I can barely understand why I bothered.”
Lex, Lex, Lex...what, do I have to drag you into some closet and *knock* some sense into you?? If you'd only looked deeper, gave it a little more time, you'd see that this woman is the love of your life! So, do me a favour, will you? Just give her a quick knock-out in the head - or, I'd rather prefer you'd be 'nice' to her and instead use a cloth full of sweet-smelling liquid to put her to sleep, but I guess it would be too much to hope for that you'd have it stashed somewhere in your backpocket..? - and then, take her to the Alps, call Dr. Mamba or maybe Asabi, I don't care, so you can fix that memory of hers. Make her forget who you really are, let yourself fall in love with her, and everybody's happy.

Then Kaethel and I can argue over who gets to have Clark! laugh (Although I'm sure a certain LabRat will try to get things back to normal..<g>)

Clark, I love you... Please, help me!
Are you sure, Lois? You won't even keep an open mind and try to let Lex into your heart..? No? Argh, fine, fine, fine! I believe you... Okay, you can have Clark and be happy together... Now, if *that* isn't the ideal Folc, I don't know who is. wink

So, Wendy, just to make me look nice, can you get back here and get things back to the way they should be..? <bg>

As always, terrific part! smile1

Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay